Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Reviewing for the Final

The final is a unit test of Unit 4:  Populations

Here is a link to a practice test generated by another teacher. Practice Test

A handout in class gives unit goals and key equations.

On Monday we will do both multiple choice and  free response practice questions.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Joining Google Classroom

Here are the access codes to join the google classroom sites for APES.  It will be necessary to do this to input data for the survivorship curves lab.

Period 5  8s8m8q

Period 6  9rq9g85 

The deadline for the completing the survivorship data (including the graveyard visits) is pushed back to 1/22 Sunday.  On Monday we will use your data in class so get it in.

Ch 8 and 9 reading guides

Here is a link to the ch 8 reading guide.

And here is the guide for chapter 9.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Ch 8,9 Vocabulary

Vocab Quiz will be on Thurs. 1/26

Link to Flashcards:

Link to list

Here is a Quizlet over the same vocab:

Unit 4

Unit 4:  Population Dynamics (chapters 8 & 9)
What is the ideal population distribution and size for the US, and what policies would support this?

II. A. Population Biology Concepts (Population ecology; carrying capacity; reproductive strategies; survivorship)
II. B. Human Population 1. Human population dynamics (Historical population sizes; distribution; fertility rates; growth rates and doubling times; demographic transition; age-structure diagrams) 2. Population size (Strategies for sustainability; case studies; national policies) 3. Impacts of population growth (Hunger; disease; economic effects; resource use; habitat destruction)

1/11 Return Tests, Review Ch. 8 Reading Guide, Finish Obituaries Work. Ch 8 Reading Guide due.
1/13 Doubling Time Lab
1/18 Survivorship Lab Work Time (All cemetery work needs to be completed during the weekend.)
1/16 Human Populations Intro. Ch 9 Reading Guide Part 1 due.
1/24 Power of Pyramids Activity
1/26 Vocabulary Quiz Ch 9Reading Guide Part 2 due
1/30 Review
2/1 Unit Test- -Finals day.

Here is a video overview of the unit.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Survivorship Curves Lab
The class will be divided into seven lab groups. 
Each group will be responsible for three sets of data: 
1. Ages and genders for all Portland deaths for their assigned portion of 2016
2. Ages and genders for all pre 1917 grave markers for their assigned section of Portland's historic Lone Fir Cemetery
3. A picture of your group at the cemetery and a picture of the most interesting grave marker in your data set
Obituary data will be entered into a spreadsheet during class on January 3rd.
Cemetery data will be entered into the spreadsheet before January 18th.
The lab report will be completed INDIVIDUALLY in class on the 18th and will be due by the 20th.

Obituaries Link

Monday, January 2, 2017

Back to School Schedule

Here's what we'll do the first couple of days back, particularly in regards to the test.

Tuesday:  Review and overview of next unit
Thursday:  Test and first assignment for populations unit.
Monday:  Go over tests