Monday, May 22, 2017

Message from Zella

Hi Mr. Medley,

As you may already know the city of Portland has been working on passing a resolution with a goal of reaching 100% renewable energy by the year 2050.  The environmental leadership group that I am in, including other Grant students, has been closely following the drafts of the resolution and meeting with city officials to make sure it can be as effective as possible.

The most recent draft has a clause removed from previous drafts that defined what renewable energy excludes (fossil fuels, biomass, nuclear, etc.).  This is important if we want to have a truly renewable future.

Would it be possible to take a couple minutes during your classes for students to call city officials and voice the need to add back the clause?  Below I have added a link with more information and directions to call, let me know if you think this is a possibility.

Thank you,
Zella Lobo

Here's the link to the information summary

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Final Review Links - Outlines by Chapter

This is a giant set of files.  It's from the Teacher's guide to the Textbook.  At about 1/3 of the waythe end of each file is the chapter outline.  These are similar to the documents we shared in preparation for the Unit 6 Test.

Here's the Link

Here's the link to the APES Review Links Handouts we used in class on Wednesday.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Tree Scavenger Hunt

Link to Trees Picture

Identify the following trees by number: oregon ash, western hemlock, red alder, western redcedar, bigleaf maple, ponderosa pine, pacific madrone, douglas fir, vine maple, bitter cherry, black cottonwood, grand fir.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

TED Talks

As a table group, look at the TED Environment video choices using the first link. Choose one your group wants to watch. Put your information into the form using the second link.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Review Links for Class on Wednesday

Quizlet on Environmental Laws

pH video

Interactive Map

Non interactive Map  (find these sites on the map and know a bit about each of them)

AP Test Information

The test is at 7:30 at the Leftbank Annex. 101 NE Weidler.

Follow these links for more information.


Review Activity Links

Follow this link to an EdPuzzle set of Bozeman Science Videos about major APES topics.  Each Video is connected to a set of review questions to practice your thinking.  Try them all or just do the ones you want to work on.  You will have to make an account and log in


Download the QuizUp app.  Then search for the National APES Review.  The practice questions allow you to rank yourself against students across the state and across the nation.


Follow this link to 12 "One" Page review sheets summarizing major ideas about 12 big topics.


Follow this link to an APES review e-book with 16 chapters focused on 16 FRQ covering a wide variety of topics, including water pollution, energy calculations, biodiversity, and human populations. You can ignore all of the "buy me" sales propaganda a the beginning.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How Your Cat is Making you Crazy

Many people missed Monday due to SBAC testing or other reasons.

Here is a link to an assignment we did.
Read the article and answer the questions on your own paper.  You don't need to answer the last one.
The answers go in your notebook.

Link to Article

Link to Questions

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Air Pollution Video Link

Here's a link to the Bozeman Science Video we watched in Class

Here is a link to the Concept Map he used also.

Reading guides

Here are the first two reading guides for chapters 19 and 20

Chapter 19  due 3/17 and 3/21

Chapter 20  due 3/23

Vocabulary List Unit 6

Vocab Quiz Wednesday 4/5

Here's a link to the list.

Here's a link to flashcards.

Pollution Unit

VI. A.  Pollution Types
1. Air pollution (Sources — primary and secondary; major air pollutants; measurement units; smog; acid deposition — causes and effects; heat islands and temperature inversions; indoor air pollution; remediation and reduction strategies; Clean Air Act and other relevant laws)
2. Noise pollution (Sources; effects; control measures)
3. Water pollution (Types; sources, causes, and effects; cultural eutrophication; groundwater pollution; maintaining water quality; water purification; sewage treatment/septic systems; Clean Water Act and other relevant laws)
4. Solid waste (Types; disposal; reduction)

VI. B. Impacts on the Environment and Human Health
1. Hazards to human health (Environmental risk analysis; acute and chronic effects; dose-response relationships; air pollutants; smoking and other risks)
2. Hazardous chemicals in the environment (Types of hazardous waste; treatment/disposal of hazardous waste; cleanup of contaminated sites; biomagnification; relevant laws)

VII. A. Stratospheric Ozone (Formation of stratospheric ozone; ultraviolet radiation; causes of ozone depletion; effects of ozone depletion; strategies for reducing ozone depletion; relevant laws and treaties)

Reading Guides due:
Ch 19 I Friday 3/17
Ch 19 II Tues 3/21
Ch 20 Thurs 3/23
Ch 18 I Mon 4/3
Ch 18 II Wed 4/5
Ch 21 Fri 4/7
Ch 22 I Mon 4/10
Ch 22 II Wed 4/12

Daphnia Lab
3/17 - 3/24 Due TBD

Vocab Quiz Wed 4/5

Presentation Prep 4/5-4/7
Presentations 4/14

Review 4/18
Unit Test 4/20
AP Test 5/1

Monday, March 6, 2017

Review Material for Climate Change Unit

Here is a link to the major topics in the unit as described by the college board.
Unit 5 Topics

Here are links to several question sets focused on different aspects of this unit.
Nuclear Power
Renewable Energy
Climate Change

Here are links to two Kahoots quiz sets.  I don't think we'll be able to get to each in class, but we'll try.

Here is a link to the Bozeman science video

These short tutorials on for your phone may be good too.
Use the Bozeman Science App or click on the links below. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

NOVA Energy Lab

Here is a link to the NOVA Energy Lab

(Watch the Video Intro and then Play the Game.)

And here is a link to the google form, into which you'll submit your results.

Good luck.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Unit 5: Energy and Climate Change

Unit 5:  Energy and Global Warming (chapters 16, 17, 20, 24, 25 & parts of 2 & 19)
How do we think about Global Warming and appropriate energy use, generation and policy?

I.  B. The Atmosphere (Composition; structure; weather and climate; atmospheric circulation and the Coriolis Effect; atmosphere–ocean interactions
IV.  G. Global Economics (Globalization; World Bank; Tragedy of the Commons; relevant laws and treaties)
V. A. Energy Concepts (Energy forms; power; units; conversions; Laws of Thermodynamics)
V. B. Energy Consumption 1. History (Industrial Revolution; exponential growth; energy crisis) 2. Present global energy use 3. Future energy needs
V. C. Fossil Fuel Resources and Use (Formation of coal, oil, and natural gas; extraction/purification methods; world reserves and global demand; synfuels; environmental advantages/ disadvantages of sources)
V. D. Nuclear Energy (Nuclear fission process; nuclear fuel; electricity production; nuclear reactor types; environmental advantages/disadvantages; safety issues; radiation and human health; radioactive wastes; nuclear fusion)
V. E. Hydroelectric Power (Dams; flood control; salmon; silting; other impacts)
V. F. Energy Conservation (Energy efficiency; CAFE standards; hybrid electric vehicles; mass transit)
V. G. Renewable Energy (Solar energy; solar electricity; hydrogen fuel cells; biomass; wind energy; small-scale hydroelectric; ocean waves and tidal energy; geothermal; environmental advantages/disadvantages)
VII. B. Global Warming (Greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect; impacts and consequences of global warming; reducing climate change; relevant laws and treaties)

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Registering for the AP Test.

Here is a message from VP Parman about tegistering fot AP Tests.  Please follow instructions on it.

Hello teachers of AP classes (and a few dual credit/advanced teachers that have students that sometimes take the AP test),
The AP test registration page is up and ready to go.   There are a couple of steps, so please share this information with your AP classes.  It might even make sense to have some time to complete the registration during flex. 
Couple of reminders:
1.       All AP registrations must be complete by February 24th
2.       You have access to practice exams through the AP web-site.
3.       Have students register for ALL their AP exams at the same time. 
4.       Students should sign up for any world language tests first (because there will not be a makeup day)
5.       Students can only register for ONE test per day because test locations are all over the city.  If they need to take two tests, they need to sign up for the late exam date (at no extra cost).  They will know if that is the case because they will not be able to select the other test.
6.       If students have questions, please have them come talk to us in the counseling center.  April or I can answer questions.
Review the documents that are linked below (and shared with you).

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Reviewing for the Final

The final is a unit test of Unit 4:  Populations

Here is a link to a practice test generated by another teacher. Practice Test

A handout in class gives unit goals and key equations.

On Monday we will do both multiple choice and  free response practice questions.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Joining Google Classroom

Here are the access codes to join the google classroom sites for APES.  It will be necessary to do this to input data for the survivorship curves lab.

Period 5  8s8m8q

Period 6  9rq9g85 

The deadline for the completing the survivorship data (including the graveyard visits) is pushed back to 1/22 Sunday.  On Monday we will use your data in class so get it in.

Ch 8 and 9 reading guides

Here is a link to the ch 8 reading guide.

And here is the guide for chapter 9.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Ch 8,9 Vocabulary

Vocab Quiz will be on Thurs. 1/26

Link to Flashcards:

Link to list

Here is a Quizlet over the same vocab:

Unit 4

Unit 4:  Population Dynamics (chapters 8 & 9)
What is the ideal population distribution and size for the US, and what policies would support this?

II. A. Population Biology Concepts (Population ecology; carrying capacity; reproductive strategies; survivorship)
II. B. Human Population 1. Human population dynamics (Historical population sizes; distribution; fertility rates; growth rates and doubling times; demographic transition; age-structure diagrams) 2. Population size (Strategies for sustainability; case studies; national policies) 3. Impacts of population growth (Hunger; disease; economic effects; resource use; habitat destruction)

1/11 Return Tests, Review Ch. 8 Reading Guide, Finish Obituaries Work. Ch 8 Reading Guide due.
1/13 Doubling Time Lab
1/18 Survivorship Lab Work Time (All cemetery work needs to be completed during the weekend.)
1/16 Human Populations Intro. Ch 9 Reading Guide Part 1 due.
1/24 Power of Pyramids Activity
1/26 Vocabulary Quiz Ch 9Reading Guide Part 2 due
1/30 Review
2/1 Unit Test- -Finals day.

Here is a video overview of the unit.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Survivorship Curves Lab
The class will be divided into seven lab groups. 
Each group will be responsible for three sets of data: 
1. Ages and genders for all Portland deaths for their assigned portion of 2016
2. Ages and genders for all pre 1917 grave markers for their assigned section of Portland's historic Lone Fir Cemetery
3. A picture of your group at the cemetery and a picture of the most interesting grave marker in your data set
Obituary data will be entered into a spreadsheet during class on January 3rd.
Cemetery data will be entered into the spreadsheet before January 18th.
The lab report will be completed INDIVIDUALLY in class on the 18th and will be due by the 20th.

Obituaries Link

Monday, January 2, 2017

Back to School Schedule

Here's what we'll do the first couple of days back, particularly in regards to the test.

Tuesday:  Review and overview of next unit
Thursday:  Test and first assignment for populations unit.
Monday:  Go over tests